Athena was the Greek virgin goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. She was the embodiment of wisdom, reason, and purity.
Remember when we all bought from trusted corporations. Um, barely. Those days are long, long gone. The word “corporation” is practically a dirty word. People buy from people, now. Storytelling has never been so important. Creating a story behind your business is paramount to your success. A student of Joseph Campbell, a three time Celebrity Guest Armando Monologist and avid story teller I will work with you one on one to create the story of your business in the form of The Hero’s Journey. This can be in the form of a creation story like Apple, a quest story like Toms Shoes, or a love story like Wendy’s. Can you recall all of these stories? Did you ever think about how much it influences you to buy.
I realize the importance of having a story today is what separates companies. People don’t just wear our shoes they tell our story.”
– Blaise Mycokoski – Tom’s Shoes CEO
When we hear a story we sit back and listen, we suspend judgement and enjoy. We’ve been taught this since we were little kids going to sleep to a bedtime story. We let ourselves get engulfed. We trust. We BUY into the story. This is the best way to cut through the obstacles your audience may have to purchase and move the needle to click that Buy Now button.
The most powerful person in the world is the story teller. The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come and Disney has a monopoly on the storyteller business.”
– Steve Jobs