Today we are answering the question on every entrepreneur’s mind: How Do I Increase Investor Interest in My Brand in 2021? And to answer that question we are going to look at one brand that has rocketed it’s way to the top of investors’ interest, leaving behind it a blazing trail of opportunity for privately owned businesses: SpaceX
So let’s jump right into it! I’m going to give you 1 of the Top 3 Ways SpaceX is Inspiring a Private Market Investment Boom, and to learn the other 2, be sure to watch the full episode!
Number One: Increased Investor Focus on Creating Broader Access
SpaceX is just one of a handful of private companies who are rushing to perfect their interstellar travel abilities so they can be among the companies who are vying to pick up various contracts from NASA. SpaceX, headed up by Elon Musk, along with Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic, and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin all seem to have gotten space fever at the same time, and it became a race to see who was going to expand the marketplace beyond the outer reaches of our atmosphere. CNBC reports that SpaceX is making NASA cool again, and brands are scrambling to get opportunities to align their products with this whole new frontier of open ad space. Imagine you’re on an interstellar vacation, and you are floating weightlessly in your hotel room, and you gaze out the window into the vast reaches of space and you see a nearby satellite projecting a “Drink Coca-Cola,” advertisement in the sky. When it comes to advertising and promotions, space is literally a new frontier being created as we speak.
Space marketing isn’t exactly new. In 2001 Pizza Hut spent millions of dollars on a campaign to deliver a pizza to orbiting astronauts. In 2012, Red Bull orchestrated a high-altitude skydiving project, jumping from around 97,000 ft. But now that these major players in Entrepreneurialism are investing their time and money to get their own space travel businesses off the ground, other brands are beginning to piggyback on the hype this disruption in the space travel industry is causing.
Miller Lite announced it’s refusal to jump on the trend of “launching” their own hard seltzer and unveiled their new tagline, “unapologetically beer,” by creating a CGI simulated launch of a seltzer-strapped rocket. The event was witnessed by over 1 million people. Este Lauder contracted NASA to take 10 bottles of their Advanced Night Repair cream aboard a space station for a photo-op. Under Armour is already the official spacewear for Virgin Galactic. And Krispy Kreme has even created a Mars-themed donut.
In 2021, your new business has this untapped ability to become a disruptor within your industry, by creating broader access to your ideal audience than what is currently available. And Investors are now looking for business models that are specifically being primed to disrupt industries, and create their own lanes.
And just FYI, Number Two is: Increased Investor Focus on More Diverse Portfolios
When we are talking about the desire for an investor to have a diverse portfolio, we aren’t just talking about the range of industries they are investing in anymore. In the past two years, shareholders have really turned up the pressure on businesses to disclose their gender and diversity data that is responsible for enforcing environmental, social, and anti-discrimination measures.
Harvard Business School professor, Robin J. Ely said, “Bottom line, it’s a cultural change, it’s a cultural problem. And leaders are responsible for the culture of their organization.”
In fact, diversity initiatives have become front and center. And not just because it’s the right thing to do. It’s because in 2021, doing what is best for society actually is also what’s best for creating long-term success in business…for more on this and to learn the third and MOST impactful way SpaceX is Inspiring a Private Market Investment Boom, be sure to watch the full episode.
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